1. Creating a Schedule:

2. Configuring the Schedule:

Upon creating a schedule you configure its name and how often it runs. The time period is configured using the cronjob syntax.

The time period below means the schedule will run every five minutes. Check below for common time periods and how to configure them.

3. Assign a task to the schedule:

After creating the schedule its time to choose what action the schedule performs.

Usable actions are: Send command, send power action and create backup.

You can choose which files to be ignored and NOT backed up, as well as invert the selection to only backup specific files.

More information and tips on how this field works is provided in our knowledgebase right here. There are tons of features to it.

You have now successfully created a backup schedule!




Cronjob example time periods:

Every Minute

* * * * *

Every Five Minutes

*/5 * * * *

Every 10 Minutes

*/10 * * * *

Every 15 Minutes

*/15 * * * *

Every 30 Minutes

*/30 * * * *

Every Hour

0 * * * *

Every Two Hours

0 */2 * * *

Every Six Hours

0 */6 * * *

Every 12 Hours

0 */12 * * *

During the Work Day

*/5 9-17 * * *

Every day at Midnight

0 0 * * *

At the Start of Every Month

0 0 1 * *

On January 1st at Midnight 

0 0 1 1 *




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